Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Minecraft Block Storage Cube

This Christmas I really wanted to get my son some Minecraft storage blocks for his room. If your family is like mine, the last year or so has been a running show of your kid playing Minecraft (solo or with friends via Skype), watching videos of people playing Minecraft, and digging holes in your yard to play "Minecraft in Real Life". It can be overwhelming but as they say, sometimes you have to meet the ones you love where they are.

Which brings us back to the Minecraft storage block. We looked all over the web for Minecraft related stuff, but here's the thing, they are expensive! ...and we couldn't actually find what we wanted.

The solution...MAKE ONE!!
(for just $17/cube)

Here's some step by step photos, tips, and lessons learned:

Step 1: Build a wooden box. I used 1/2" MDF. I cut a 4'x8' sheet lengthwise in 16" strips so I could make 3 storage cubes with one sheet. These are slightly under half scale for 'real life' Minecraft (3'x3').

Tip: cut each side 1/2" shorter or they won't fit on the 16" square base.

I assembled using 1" finish nails. 4 at each corner.

Tip: place end nails at least 1" from end to avoid splitting the MDF

Step 2: Prime the outside surface of the cube with a latex primer

Step 3: Map out a rough plan lightly in pencil. Apply base coat.

Tip: this is my biggest lesson learned which cost a day of extra painting. I began with orange because it covered the most area. It was gratifying to paint such a large area, but difficult painting Yellow over it...Start with your lightest color. (It took 8 coats!)

Step 4: Mask your color area and paint (see the yellow over orange issue)

Step 5: Mask your second color area

Tip: I used 1" and 2" masking tape so they could also serve as effective spacers for making pixels

Step 6: Begin to layer in tertiary pixel areas.

Tip: to save money, I mixed my own colors from here on out from the base paint colors
More layers!
Even more layers!
Mixing paints!

Step 7: Admire your work

and the final step...
Last step: Make a kid smile!

Tip: clean your living room before taking photos
Tip 2: deal with it, it's Christmas and you made a Lava Block!

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